Koine a young company with a long history behind us. We are deeply connected with Università del Sannio, our team is mostly made of graduates, post-graduates and doctors. The founders and managment of Koine is composed by the best professional on the market with a proven track record of success when it comes to the software life cycle, automation and cyber security.
Welcome to Koine

POR Campania FESR 2014/2020 O.S. 1.2 Az. 1.2.2 Avviso per la selezione della Piattaforma tecnologica di filiera - Mobilità sostenibile e sicura - Piano B – Piano progettuale per i progetti di ricerca e sviluppo di tipo cooperativo tra imprese e organismi di ricerca. CUP B32C18000200005”
The Technological Platform for Sustainable and Safe Mobility Borgo 4.0, presented by the proponent Anfia Automotive Scarl within the procedure of the Campania Region for sustainable and safe mobility, aims to integrate research and development, technological innovation, testing of new models, and new technologies of mobility. The Borgo 4.0 project involves 54 companies, the 5 Universities of Campania with public research centers, and the CNR.
Koine S.r.l. is one of the companies involved and together with several research organizations and partners in Campania, presented the research and development project called A Mobility: Technologies for Autonomous Vehicles. The project aims to develop and test new technological solutions to improve the performance of connected and autonomous vehicles in particular scenarios of maneuver and traffic conditions. The project has a duration of 36 months and provides for a total eligible cost of € 7.852.550,82.